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Key Findings from the Merritt Hawkins’ (a Dallas-based medical consulting and recruiting firm) 2017 Survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times reveals that the average new patient physician appointment wait times have increased significantly. More specifically, the average number of days to get a non-emergency doctor’s appointment for the 15 large metro markets surveyed was estimated at 24.1 days, up 30% from 2014! The problem is even worse for the mid-sized metro markets with the average for the 15 mid-sized markets surveyed estimated at 32 days which is 32.8% higher than the average for large metro markets!

For large markets, the average wait time to see a family medicine physician is 29 days (up 50% from 2014) and for mid-sized markets, the average wait time to see a family medicine physician is 56.3 days!

Yes, on average, a Patient is waiting longer to see a Doctor. That is, the barrier to access healthcare is inevitably increasing with time.



The AppointmentNotify Platform offers a standardized Smart Wait List feature to Patients and their Providers either of whom can use it to subscribe Patients to their preferred Provider’s Wait List. The Platform then notifies Patients on a Provider’s Wait List in real-time when new appointment slots become available so that they can seek those appointments.
Providers no longer have to search for or call Patients to find out if they want newly available appointments in a Provider’s schedule and Patients no longer have to wait indefinitely when they need to see their preferred care Provider sooner!

AppointmentNotify makes this process even simpler by letting Providers choose to automate this workflow so they can be completely hands-free when a newly available slot opens up in a Provider’s schedule by automatically filling the appointment with a new Patient from that Provider’s Wait List!

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Online Appointment



The AppointmentNotify Platform offers a standardized Smart Wait List feature to Patients and their Providers either of whom can use it to subscribe Patients to their preferred Provider’s Wait List. The Platform then notifies Patients on a Provider’s Wait List in real-time when new appointment slots become available so that they can seek those appointments.

Providers no longer have to search for or call Patients to find out if they want newly available appointments in a Provider’s schedule and Patients no longer have to wait indefinitely when they need to see their preferred care Provider sooner!

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